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Contract Appeals Board

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Filing in an Existing Case

  1. Log onto the File and Serve Sign On page and select the Filing & Service tab.  (If you use the Track Items/Cases feature in the My File & Serve screen, you can select the File & Serve icon for a particular case, which allows you to go immediately to step 3 below.)
  2. Select "File and/or Serve in an Existing Case", select "DC Contract Appeals Board" as the Court, and enter the correct case number (e.g., D-[4 digit number] (for an appeal) or P-[4-digit number] (for a protest)); then press the Find button; when the case is displayed, press the red icon to select a filing in that case.
  3. This will display the Filing & Service screen, Documents tab, where you enter the filing type, browse your local computer or network to select the actual document (preferably in searchable PDF format) to be filed, and enter a title for the filing such as "Complaint."  After entering all of the proper information, press the "Attach Document" button.  Additional documents can be attached in the same way.  Exhibits should be named concisely and in a helpful manner, e.g., "Complaint Ex. 1 (12-08-2004 CO Final Decision)."
  4. Enter the proper information at the "Sending Parties," "Service/Notice," and "Add'l Recipients" tabs.
  5. Proceed to the "Review & Submit" tab, select the Authorizing Attorney, complete other applicable information, press the Next button, perform a final review the document to be filed and the parties to be served, and then press the Submit Transaction button.

If you have questions, please contact File&ServeXpress Customer Support at (866) 293-3957 or the Clerk of the Contract Appeals Board at (202) 727-6597.